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Phytochemicals: A Promising Weapon in the Arsenal against Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
The extensive usage of antibiotics and the rapid emergence of antimicrobial-resistant microbes (AMR) are becoming important global public health issues. Many solutions to these problems have been proposed, including developing alternative compounds with antimicrobial activities, managing existing antimicrobials, and rapidly detecting AMR pathogens. Among all of them, employing alternative compounds such as phytochemicals alone or in combination with other antibacterial agents appears to be both an effective and safe strategy for battling against these pathogens. The present review summarizes the scientific bevis on the biochemical, pharmacological, and clinical aspects of phytochemicals used to treat microbial pathogenesis. A wide range of commercial products are currently available on the market. Their well-documented clinical efficacy suggests that phytomedicines are valuable sour
Not long ago we celebrated the 225th anniversary of Edward Jenner’s first smallpox vaccination in 1796. The development of vaccines continued at a fairly slow rate until the last several decades when new scientific discoveries and technologies led to rapid advances in virology, molecular biology, and vaccinology. Here we present a timeline of the vaccine- and immunization-related events that have occurred since Jenner’s critical discovery. This list is by no means exhaustive. If you know of an event that you would like us to add, contact us at
An interactive website from the College of Physicians of Philadelphia.
The National Library of Medicine collects, preserves, makes available, and interprets for diverse audiences one of the world’s richest collections of historical material related to human health and disease.
ACIP recommends MenB-4C (Bexsero®) be administered as a 2-dose series at 0 and 6 months when given to healthy
A product which boosted the power of penicillin
Technical file
Type of innovation: Penicillin
Scope: Biomedicine
Innovation leader: Grifols i Roig, Josep Antoni; Grifols i Lucas, Víctor
Year: 1944
Period: 1909-1971
Geographical scope: International
Economic impact: Low
Level of innovation: Adaptive
Patent: Yes
Interdisciplinary connections: -
As the incredible power of penicillin to fight bacterial infections became clear in the 1940s, so did the battle to mass produce this strategically important medicine, while the Second World War raged.
Ensuring supplies of a powerful medicine
By the end of the conflict, only the United States had succeeded in stockpiling large quantities of penicillin and held 95 percent of the world's entire stocks. Other countries were frantically looking at how they could secure their own supplies of the drug to avoid dependence on other nations. In Spain, the isolationist policies of fascist dictator Francisco Franco meant