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Computer Organization 1.
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Introduction to Computing - Essentials of Technology - Day 1
COMPUTER is a wonderful treasure trove of information and technology and is at your command to carry out your instructions with the pressing of a button. It is the realization of a fascinating dream, nourished by a number of engineers, mathematicians and scientists for a long period of time.
Like the evolution of human race, the computer too has come off through a number of stages that started with the ancient ABACUS, a sort of calculating device quill- prevalent in a number of countries in the past. This followed by the first AUTOMATIC CALCULATOR, invented by PASCAL, a French mathematician cum scientist.
The wonder device performed addition and subtraction by means of a set of wheels that were linked to each other by gears. This was further improved by GOTTFRIED WILHELM VON LEIBNIZ, a German mathematician in early l's. It made even the multiplication and division possible with the help of the improved calculator.
After this, the scientists all over the w