Sara teasdale biography

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  • Sara teasdale poems
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  • Sara Teasdale

    Sara Trevor Teasdale was born on August 8, 1884, in St. Louis, into an old, established, and devout family. She was home-schooled until she was nine and traveled frequently to Chicago, where she became part of the circle surrounding Poetry magazine and Harriet Monroe. Teasdale published Sonnets to Duse, and Other Poems (The Poet Lore Company), her first volume of verse, in 1907. Her second collection, Helen of Troy, and Other Poems (G. P. Putnam’s Sons), followed in 1911, and her third, Rivers to the Sea (Macmillan), in 1915.

    In 1914, Teasdale married Ernst Filsinger. She had previously rejected a number of other suitors, including Vachel Lindsay. She moved with her new husband to New York City in 1916. In 1918, she won the Columbia University Poetry Society Prize (which became the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry) and the Poetry Society of America’s Prize for Love Songs (Macmillan), which had appeared in 1917. She published three more volumes of poetry during

  • sara teasdale biography
  • Sara Teasdale

    Sara Teasdale ( - ) est une poétesseaméricaine née à Saint-Louis dans le Missouri.


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    Sa mère était Mary Elizabeth Willard et son père John Warren Teasdale. Elle était la cadette d'une famille de deux frères et d'une sœur[1].

    Sara était dem constitution fragile et fut souvent malade. Elle vécut protégée au sein de sa famille jusqu'à l'âge de 9 ans révolus et développa un monde imaginaire dans son univers solitaire. À 10 ans, ses parents décidèrent de lui permettre de sortir et de la mettre ett contact avec l'extérieur. Elle fut scolarisée, mais elle n'obtint aucun diplôme.

    Vers quinze ans, elle se mit à écrire ses pensées et ses rêves. Elle composa des poèmes et des sonnets. Elle rédigea ainsi toute une poésie lyrique sur fransk artikel sentiments et la beauté des choses. Bientôt ses poèmes furent publiés dans le journal local. En 1907 est édité le premier recueil de ses poésies "Sonnets à Duse et autres poèmes". En 1911, un titta

    Biography of Sara Teasdale, 1884-1933

    Biographical Sketch by Leslie Laurio

    Sara Teasdale was born into a well-to-do family in St. Louis, Missouri. Even as a child, she loved pretty things. In fact, her first word was "pretty." Her three much older siblings doted on their little sister, whom they affectionately called "Sadie," and treated like a princess. She was homeschooled until age ten due to frail health, and lived an extremely sheltered life. She grew up believing she was delicate and helpless, and that perception never left her. It caused her anxiety and made her feel very dependent on others. Yet she was often left alone and had to amuse herself because her siblings were so much older, and she had no peers. Because her family considered her delicate, she was not allowed to run around and play like most children. She was a shy and lonely child.

    She went to a private girls' school where she made friends and began to write, both poetry and prose. As a young woman, she joined