Shaykh zubair ali zai biography examples
This article contains questions on Aqeedah and Fiqhi issues and the answers are given by Shaykh Haifz Muhaddith Zubair Ali Zai (RahimAllah) along with foot notes by Omar Ibn Saleem
Article Contents
Q1) How to convey greetings to the Prophet Ya Rasool Allah Salamun Alayka?
Q2) maximum number of days one can offer Qasr
Q) Shariah ruling on Taweez/Amulets in Islam
Q5) Explanation of Good Bidah/ Bidah e Hasanah used bygd Umar (ra)
Q6) Ruling on Kissing Quran
Q7) Permissibility of Music from hadith of Daff on Eid Day?
Q8) Milad un Nabi vs. Zeyr Zabr Peysh
Q9) Ruling on facing legs towards Kabah
Q10) Qaza vs. Qaza e Umri Namaz ka Tareeqa
Q11) Reciting inledande kapitel i koranen behind Imam instead of paying attention?
Q12) Communication between Girl and Boy after their Nikah and before customary departure of girl from her house
Q) Difference between Mushrik and Muslims indulging in Shirk
Q15) Catch22! Pray first or help the injured first?
Q16) Ghusl of Janabah
Q17) Can we donate organ
Hafiz Zubair Ali Zai حافظ زبیر الی زی Books
Hafiz Zubair Alizai Rahimahullah was born in a small by of Punjab, on 25th of June A.D ( i.e Zul Qada 27th, hijri A.H).His ancestors were from Ghazni, Afghanistan. They belonged to the well known Pashtun tribe 'Alizai' hence he got his surname 'Alizai'.He married in and Allah (S.W.T) blessed him with three sons and kvartet daughters.
Hafiz Zubair Alizai had written more than books. Sixty five (65) of them had been published in his life under his supervision. The remaining going to be published soon.
- Sunan Abu Dawood
- Jami' al-Tirmidhi
- Sunan Al-Nasa'i
- Sunan ibn Majah
- Mishkat al-Masabih
Hafiz Zubair Alizai's published books are available for reading:
- Maqalat Part 1
- Maqalat Part 2
- Maqalat Part 3
- Maqalat Part 4
- Maqalat Part 5
- Maqalat Part 6
- Tozeeh Al-Ahkaam | Fatawa ilmia | Part 1
- Tozeeh Al-Ahkaam | Fatawa ilmia | Part 2
- Tozeeh Al-Ahkaam | Fatawa i
Answering Some Of The Allegations On Ahlul Hadeeth – Shaikh Zubair Ali Zai [H]
All praise be to Allaah, lord of all the creation, and may there be salutations and blessings upon the true Messenger.
To Proceed
The title and attributive name of the scholars of Hadeeth who possessed sound Aqeedah and followed the Quraan and Sunnah based on understanding of the Salaf us-Saaliheen without any taqleed, is Ahlul Hadeeth. According to the Ahlul Hadeeth, the Quraan, the authentic ahadeeth (based on the understanding of the Salaf us-Saaliheen and Ijmaa (unanimous agreement or consensus) constitute sources of legislated evidences. These sources are also known as Adillah Sharee’ah. The permissibility of Interpreting these evidences of the Sharee’ah is proven and there numerous types of interpretations,
1) Interpreting and deducing from the generality and understanding of the Quraan and Hadeeth.
2) Interpreting and deducing from the reports and narrations of the Salaf us-Saliheen
3) Anal