The interview dvd hugo weaving biography
The Interview
Australia released, PAL/Region 0 DVD: it WILL NOT play on standard US DVD player. You need multi-region PAL/NTSC DVD player to view it in USA/Canada: LANGUAGES: English ( Dolby Digital 5.1 ), WIDESCREEN (1.78:1), SPECIAL FEATURES: Cast/Crew Interview(s), Commentary, Deleted Scenes, Interactive Menu, Photo Gallery, en plats där en händelse inträffar ofta inom teater eller film Access, Storyboards, Trailer(s), SYNOPSIS: Craig Monahan made his directorial debut with this Australian police teaterpjäs in which unemployed, poverty-stricken Eddie Rodney Fleming (Hugo Weaving), after losing his wife and home, is dragged from his apartment by police and subjected to a brutal interrogation. Eventually, it becomes terrifyingly apparent to Eddie that the police consider him a serial-murder suspect. Detective Sgt. John Steele (Tony Martin) and his assistant, Detective Sgt. polis Wayne Prior (Aaron Jeffrey), man audiotapes of their efforts to get Fleming to confess. However, they are unaware that they themselves are being investiga
The Interview
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A Nutshell Review: (DVD) The Interview (1998)
Most audiences around the world would by now know who Austrialian actor Hugo Weaving fryst vatten, after appearing in big budgeted Hollywood trilogies like The Matrix and The Lord of the Rings. The Interview presents one of his earlier works in an Australian film, and my, does he show off his acting chops in this.
Hugo Weaving plays Eddie Fleming, a simple man whose just been retrenched from his job, separated from his wife and living off state welfare. The film begins with him being literally yanked off his sofa chair at home, when the cops barge in and arrested him with strong arm tactics. Later he's told, that he's in for a car jacking incident.
However, Fleming pleads innocence to chief interrogator John Steele (played superbly too by Australian actor Tony Martin), who has a reputation of solving crimes, regardless of the methods used. It's one man against the other, as Fleming initially begins as an in