Dr serafin macaraig biography channels

  • Macaraig, Serafin E. 1929.
  • Unlike communist parties elsewhere in Asia, the Partido.
  • Criminology students.
  • Policing America's empire: the United States, the Philippines, and the rise of the surveillance state 9780299234140, 9780299234133

    Table of contents :
    Acknowledgments (page ix)
    Abbreviations (page xv)
    Prologue: Analogies of Empire (page 3)
    1 Capillaries of Empire (page 15)
    PART ONE U. S. Colonial Police
    2 Colonial Coercion (page 59)
    3 Surveillance and Scandal (page 94)
    4 Paramilitary Pacification (page 126)
    5 Constabulary Covert Operations (page 175)
    6 Policing the Tribal Zone (page 206)
    7 American Police in Manila (page 236)
    8 The Conley Case (page 268)
    9 President Wilson's Surveillance State (page 293)
    PART TWO Philippine National Police
    10 President Quezon's Commonwealth (page 349)
    11 Philippine Republic (page 372)
    12 Martial Law Terror (page 397)
    13 Unsheathing the Sword (page 433)
    14 Ramos's Supercops (page 452)
    15 Estrada's Racketeering (page 471)
    16 Extrajudicial Executions (page 498)
    17 Crucibles of Counterinsurgency (page


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    The word society c

  • dr serafin macaraig biography channels
  • history of sociology

  • 1. SOCIOLOGY First möte
  • 2. Sociology and the Social Sciences 2
  • 3. Sociology  Economics  Psychology  Geography  Communication studies  antropologi  History  Political Science
  • 4. Stratification:Stratification:  Class...Class...  Race...Race...  Gender...Gender...  Power...Power...  Prestige.Prestige. ....
  • 5. Race: Key TermsRace: Key Terms  PrejudicePrejudice  DiscriminationDiscrimination  RacismRacism  Social definition of RaceSocial definition of Race  Institutional RacismInstitutional Racism  Minority StatusMinority Status
  • 6. Social Institutions Include...Social Institutions Include...  ...family...family  ...religion...religion  ...economics and politics...economics and politics  ...education...education
  • 7. How did sociology begin? • Sociology emerged in the mittpunkt of the nineteen (19) century in Europe • Three factors led to the development of sociology 1.Industrial Revolution 2.Travel 3.Success of Natural Sc