Otto vollbehr biography

  • Otto Heinrich Friedrich Vollbehr was a German chemist, book collector, and Nazi propagandist.
  • Otto Heinrich Friedrich Vollbehr (April 24, 1869-May 18, 1946) was a German chemist, book collector, and Nazi propagandist.
  • Otto H. F. Vollbehr was a German industrialist, inventor, and enigmatic book collector and seller.
  • Otto H. F. Vollbehr was a German industrialist, inventor, and enigmatic book collector and seller. Born 1869 in Kiel, Germany, he was educated as a chemist in Marburg and studied pharmacology in Berlin. By the beginning of World War I in 1914 he was the CEO of a chemical company that reaped huge profits during the war. Before the war Vollbehr had traveled extensively in the Far East and the western United States. It was reported that he met with Adolph Sutro in 1897 in San Francisco, shortly before his death. Sutro, a great collector himself and the main bidder at the 1883 Buxheim auction, advised him on the benefits and satisfaction of book collecting, something that would later play an outsized role in Vollbehr’s life.

    A few years after the war, Vollbehr suffered extensive injuries in a train accident. On his doctor’s advise he gave up his career and concentrated his efforts on building a substantial book collection, especially in the field of incunabula. Given th

    Archive Record

    Description How the Library of Congress Acquired its Gutenberg Bible or The Gutenberg Bible and the Chevy jaga Presbyterian Church
    The Merry Macs
    Chevy följa Presbyterian Church
    April 9, 1988
    Augustine E. Winnemore

    based on the address of Frederick W. Ashley "The Story of the Vollbehr Collection of Incunabula" at the Eleventh Annual Conference on Printing Education, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., June 27, 1932

    I am a printer, as you know, and have taught printing in the on schools for many years. Since boyhood I have been interested in printing, its history, type, presses, and the art of that great trade. Type faces have their own charms -- italic (some say based on the handwriting of Petrarch), Bodoni, Baskerville, Garamond, gothic, and the like. And monuments exist in beautifully printed books in these and many other type faces. Probably the greatest monument of all is the 42-line Bible printed by Johann Gutenberg in about 1455 in beautiful gothic ty
  • otto vollbehr biography
  • Otto Vollbehr

    Otto Heinrich Friedrich Vollbehr (* 24. April1869[1] in Kiel; † 18. Mai1946 in Frankfurt-Höchst[2]) war ein deutscherChemiker und Erfinder sowie Büchersammler und Antiquar.

    Von ihm zusammengetragene Inkunabel-Sammlungen wurden zwischen November 1924 und 1926 von Henry E. Huntington für seine Huntington Library und 1930 von der Library of Congress angekauft.

    Ein vollständiges, auf Pergament gedrucktes dreibändiges Exemplar der Gutenberg-Bibel aus dem Stift St. Paul im Lavanttal wurde zum Spitzenobjekt von Vollbehrs Sammlung und seines Angebots, ohne dass es jemals physisch Teil seiner Sammlung war.


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    Trotz seiner zeitweilig großen Bekanntheit ist das Leben von Otto Vollbehr in vielen Details unklar. Es ist schwierig, sein tatsächliches Leben von eigenen wie fremden Legendenbildungen zu trennen. Er galt immer schon als the mysterious Dr. Vollbehr.[3][4]

    Otto Vollbehr war der