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On non-circularity of tree stem-cross sections: Effect of diameter selection on cross-section area estimation, bitterlich sampling and stem volume estimation fryst vatten Scots pine
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4112 Forestry
AI Day 2023
Research area is in brackets after the title. See the list of abbreviations »
CI Computational Intelligence
CSO Constraints, Satisfiability, and Optimization
CV Computer Vision
GAME Games and Virtual Environments
HAI Human Aspects in AI
HCI Human Computer Interaction
HEU Heuristic Search
IRF Information Retrieval and Filtering
KRR Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
MAS Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems
ML Machine Learning
MULT Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications
NLP Natural Language Processing
PLAN Planning and Scheduling
ROB Robotics
UAI Uncertainty in AI
XAI Safe, Explainable, and Trustworthy AI
1. Harshit Agrawal (Aalto University/Planmeca Oy): Utilizing U-Net Architectures with Auxiliary Information for Scatter Correction in CBCT Across Different Field-of-View Settings (MULT) [click for abstract and full list of authors]
Agrawal, Harshit (Aalto University, Planmeca Oy.); Hietanen, Ari (Planmeca Oy.); Särkkä, • BMC Health Services Researchvolume 12, Article number: 147 (2012) Cite this article 7660 Accesses 13 Altmetric Metrics details The aim was to evaluate the effect of a 12-month individualized health coaching intervention by telephony on clinical outcomes. An open-label cluster-randomized parallel groups trial. Pre- and post-intervention anthropometric and blood pressure measurements by trained nurses, laboratory measures from electronic medical records (EMR). A total of 2594 patients filling inclusion
Health coaching by telephony to support self-care in chronic diseases: clinical outcomes from The TERVA randomized controlled trial