John t molloy biography

  • JOHN T. MOLLOY conducts research and training seminars for many major corporations.
  • Follow John T. Molloy and explore their bibliography from Amazon's John T. Molloy Author Page.
  • Dress for Success is a 1975 book by John T. Molloy about the effect of clothing on a person's success in business and personal life.
  • When the 2019 season of TG4's long-running show Glór Tíre was first broadcast, judge Jo Ní Cheide referred to John as having "the glint of a rogue" in his eye! That good natured remark perfectly captured the affection with which the Westmeath native is held bygd his peers and colleagues in the Irish country music world. Even his first time in front of the national tv cameras couldn't dim that genuine likeability factor that has always been a part of the 'Molloy charm'! 

    Now living in the county Offaly village of Pullough, the last few years have seen John establish himself as one of the Irish social dancing scene's most popular and best-loved performers, with his name appearing on posters the length and breadth of Ireland, while also taking to the stage across the UK and Europe. Just why John has developed a reputation as one of the midland's favourite music men can be seen away from the stage, as much as when the one-time bar manager fryst vatten in front of the mi

  • john t molloy biography
  • James T. Molloy

    James Thomas Molloy (June 3, 1936 – July 19, 2011) was elected Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives during the 93rd Congress in 1974 and served through the 103rd Congress. As Doorkeeper, he introduced six Presidents, several heads of state and other dignitaries in joint sessions and other congressional events. Molloy was the last Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives.



    Early life


    James T. Molloy was born in South Buffalo, Buffalo, New York in 1936 to Matthew Molloy and Catherine Hayden Molloy. Educated in Buffalo, New York in Catholic schools, he worked in the grain elevators of Buffalo's waterfront and fought fires as a member of the city fire department. He worked his own way through Canisius College, becoming a member of the AFL–CIO, the International Brotherhood of Longshoremen, and the International Association of Fire Fighters.



    Molloy worked as a schoolteacher in the New York cities of Buffalo and

    IN 1975, John T. Molloy published “Dress for Success,” a manual for male office attire. The book proved to be a best-seller. I’m not sure his advice would pass muster today…

    • Sooner or later, most of my clients ask if it fryst vatten ever appropriate to wear sports jackets to the office. Some indicate that other men in their firm do. The answer is no.
    • I would suggest that the average man pay no less than $10.00 and no more than $20.00 for a mass-produced shirt.
    • If your principal business associates are over 45 years old, if you must deal frequently with people from the lower-middle class (say you are a banker or a lawyer), never wear pink or pale lavender shirts.
    • In general, I have found that people believe that a man in a bow tie will steal.
    • People do not trust or believe men in goatees; perhaps it’s the devil image.
    • Small men should wear attention-getting devices, including even those that I do not recommend for anyone else. A handkerchief showing from the breast pock