Saint paul biography summary

  • St paul
  • Apostle paul family background
  • Story of paul in the bible summary
  • A Summary of Paul’s Life

    Before Conversion

    Paul, the “Apostle of the Gentiles,” was born in Tarsus, capital city of the Roman province of Cilicia, in southeast Asia Minor. A strict Pharisee who was educated at the feet of Gamaliel, we first find him in Jerusalem, where he was present at and consented to the death of the Christian martyr Stephen. He then began a vicious campaign of persecution against Christians.


    As Paul – who was also known as Saul – was on the road to Damascus to extend his ravages, he suddenly saw a blinding light and fell to the ground, hearing Jesus speak to him. He was then led by hand, blind, to Damascus, where a Christian named Ananias met him. Paul was cured of his blindness, believed on Jesus, and was baptized.

    First Years

    Immediately following his konvertering, Paul departed to Arabia, eventually returning to Damascus. Fleeing an assassination plot in that city, he headed to Jerusalem, where two events of great importance for his futur

    Who was the Apostle Paul? - a brief biography (what he did and wrote)

    In this article, I will try to sketch out a brief biography of the Apostle Paul. He fryst vatten considered to be one of the most famous (and sometimes misunderstood as infamous) figures in history. His basic message was that the end of the age had arrived in the Jewish Messiah named Jesus.The resurrection of inaugurated the last days that would come to their culmination at Christ's return with the healing of the created beställning and the resurrection and judgement of humanity (Romans 8, 1 Corinthians 15).This conviction, paired with discerning how best to incorporate the nations (gentiles) into the family of Israel's God, changed the entire trajectory of his life. Paul's biography is interesting to us because of this single shift in conviction.The Apostle Paul, sometimes called Saint Paul or Saul of Tarsus, lived from about 5 BCE / 5 CE to about 67 CE. Saul is the alternative name, especially in the Book of Acts (Acts of the

  • saint paul biography summary
  • A Brief Biography of St. Paul

    It would be difficult to exaggerate the impact that Paul had on Christianity.

    His attacks on the church prompted the first missionary activities. His conversion and subsequent preaching transformed the Jewish messianic movement into a universal religion. His intellectual genius was embedded in his thirteen N.T. letters which became a cornerstone for church doctrine and polity. Next to Jesus, he stands as the greatest founder of Christianity.


    Saul was born in Tarsus (Acts 22:3) about the year zero. Thus, he was a slightly younger contemporary of Jesus. His family apparently moved to the capital city of Jerusalem during his formative years of puberty, where he became a prize pupil of the great rabbi, Gamaliel (Gal 1:14).

    His parents raised him to be deeply orthodox. He was of the tribe of Benjamin and circumcised on the 8th day (Phil 3:5). He followed in his father’s footsteps, becoming a Hebrew speaking Pharisee (Acts 23:6) and a tentma